Sunday, October 2, 2011

Some more lovely Spanish Gospel for this Wonderful Sunday!

Here is an old old collection from a classic singing duo "MARIA Y MARTHA" and a few other "OLD TIMERS"  these songs just incredibly peaceful and sweet. I miss this kind of music. Not just the style but the spirit and approach of it.

 But all things go in cycles and I can only hope to see this kind of singing again someday. Not hype, lots of amplification and drum beats (I LOVE THAT KIND OF MUSIC AS WELL) but to *ME* there is just something so wonderful in this simple simple music.

 Song One.) Un Grano de Arena ( Just a Grain of Sand)

 Song Two.) Que Lindo es mi Cristo! (How Beautiful is my Jesus!)

 Song Three.) Cuando Alla Se Pase Lista (When the Roll is Called Up Yonder )

Song Four .) Siguire a mi Jesus (Following my Jesus an old Apostolic Baptism song)

 Song Five.) El Mundo Neccesitas Cristo (The world needs Jesus.... How can you live without a burden for the lost? SUPERB! In both English and Spanish)

Number 6.) Here is a clip from Peru. It thrills me to know that ALL OVER THE WORLD TODAY men and women have embraced the saving name of Jesus Christ in Water Baptism! Amazing how this message has spread to the mountains, valleys, villages and major metropolitan areas of the world! I dedicate this one to Brother Jarron! Dios te Bendiga hermano!

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