Tuesday, October 18, 2011

 What do The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Latvia, Russia, Austria, Rumania, The Ukraine, Bolivia, Ecuador, Japan, Norway, and Germany have in common???

 Well it will probably surprise you as much as it surprises me , but with virtually no other promotion than going on Twitter and saying "CHECK OUT MY BLOG" I am pulling readers from all those countries and MORE! It is simply amazing!

 Can you imagine the opportunities to MAXIMIZE ourselves and put forth the concepts of the New Covenant for men EVERYWHERE to see with virtually NO COST AT ALL????

 As a missionary that is thrilling to me! Already in OUR church here in Germany we have brought Italians, Germans, Jordanians, Puerto Ricans, Nigerians, Bulgarians, Sierra Leonians, etc etc into the TRUTH that saves mens souls! The ability to reach even FARTHER challenges me incredibly!

 I'll bet there are MANY great ideas out there on how we can use this to reach the going on SEVEN BILLION LOST MEN WOMEN BOYS AND GIRLS in OUR world! Please feel free to share them with us!

This week I am trying to get several blogs off the ground, One in Arabic, One in German and One a Missions Newsletter type blog for This ministry. I wish I was more technologically inclined! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!!

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