Sunday, October 16, 2011

Combatting Islam in Europe the ONLY WAY that Works!

 If you read the papers, if you listen to the radio, if you just LOOK AROUND YOU, you will notice that everywhere you read, everywhere you look MUSLIMS seem to be taking over everything! Here in Europe, there in the Middle East, now you can't even go to a Walmart in Conway, Arkansas without seeing them.....MUSLIMS!!!!!! They want to bring THEIR way of life to you, THEIR belief system to you SHARIAA LAW to YOU!  People sit around and worry and say WHAT CAN WE DO TO PREVENT ISLAM FROM DOMINATING THE WORLD WE LIVE IN??? WHAT CAN WE DO?????

 The answer of course is very simple....WIN THEM TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!! (This is one of those "Duh" moments!)


 Some people look and see the "enemy" all around them, while others look and  see A FIELD RIPE UNTO HARVEST!!!!!

 Last Sunday a Muslim man walked in the door of Apostolic Lighthouse here in Augsburg, Germany. He had never been in an Apostolic Church before! BUT NOW he was sitting in the fastest growing Jesus Name Church in Bavaria!

 As we began to preach the goodness of God that leads to repentance and the ONE plan of salvation,  he came, repented and asked to be Baptized in Jesus Name!  This morning Praise God , We were so happy to baptize Brother Mootea in the Saving Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins!!!!!

 It seems like every week God is adding some new souls to our assembly here. Russians, Bulgarians, Germans, Turks, Jordanians, Italians, Nigerians, Sierra Leonians, A WHOLE wonderful representation of the makeup of this great city of Augsburg!

 There is only one way to preserve a Christian America my friends, WIN THE LOST!

My Dear Brother upon the confession of YOUR faith in the death burial and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I now....

Baptize you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Remission of sins and you SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!


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