Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To All The Brethren in the MUNDO HISPANICO!!!!!!

It's only been a few days that this blog has been in existence but already we have readers checking in repeatedly from several of the nations of South America! Amazing!

 The other day I posted a few audio clips of old old Apostolic Assemblies songs from the Sinaloa Bible College. The QUALITY of the recordings was certainly not up to CD quality but the CONTENT the old beautiful Apostolic Assemblies music (OH for those days to return such incredibly HOLY music!) was heavenly!

 I thought to post a few more clips of music for you all in Spanish. Perhaps you are in North America or Europe and have Spanish speaking people or even a service in Spanish. I hope that you will be able to use some of these songs as they carry such an incredible message of Truth!

 In the last post I posted Audio clips, but some of these will be clips that were filmed live. I mention that as I am sensitive to the feelings of some concerning that area of communication.

 If any of you desire the lyrics to these songs, I was very very blessed several years ago for one of the dear Saints at Brother Clifford Clarks church to transcribe and print up not only the Hymnos de Gloria (Songs of Glory!) for me but also to add alot of other coritos (Little Choruses) This is a labour of love for me, I've said it before and will say it again I honestly don't think there is a more beautiful language for singing the gospel in! Spanish all the way!

 Alot of these songs were recorded in one sitting as an attempt to preserve the wonderful Musical Heritage of the Apostolic Revival among Hispanics in the first half of the last century.

Song 1.) El Nombre de Messias (The Name of the Messiah!)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu9lUhWBzfE

Song 2.) Missionero Que Anuncias (Missionary .... as you go to complete your mission)

Song 3.) Fuente de Misericordia (Fountain of Mercy) If you can listen to this and not break down weeping ...well I don't know WHAT to say! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=781DX7hZ98w&feature=related

Song 4.) Alleluya al Senor! (Hallelujah to the Lord!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4ir_noOnXc&feature=related

 Song 5.) Dia Allegre! (It was a HAPPY DAY!)

Last Song One of my ALL TIME FAVOURITES! 6.)  PODER MARAVILLOSO PODER! (Power Marvellous POWER!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2pOli5Yuag

 NO WAIT! *7* is God's perfect number so here is one last Spanish Song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxjbbH-8rgc

 Enjoy! I did just putting this together and listening to them again! Brother Conroy in Germany

1 comment:

  1. Bro Conroy, thank you. I have thourally enjoyed reading this blog, as well as watching & listening to these wonderful clips. Hope you contonue to share. God bless you & go with you in your work!
