Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Terrible Tragedy COULD Have Been Averted!

By Brother Brian Shell
 On the night of July 16th 1999, one of Americas most beloved young men, John Kennedy Jr, His wife and his sister in law vanished on a short flight to his cousins wedding on Martha's Vineyard.

 Immediately the story hit the presses and for the next three days first hope that they might be found gave way to the certainty that they had all perished into the sea. That certainty was confirmed when the wreckage of their light plane was found over one hundred feet beneath the sea. All three were horribly ripped apart in the impact, and America mourned.

 Immediately speculation as to WHY this tragedy happened was rampant. Theories abounded, but as the wreckage was inspected, authorities settled on what they felt was the OBVIOUS cause of the crash..........

 SPATIAL DISORIENTATION. In other words John had lost his bearings focussing on what he could see rather than that most vital piece of equipment in his plane, the CLUSTER PANEL.

 In the plane the cluster panel served a very important purpose. You see as a pilot it is easy to become disoriented. Your senses deceive you!  What APPEARS to be the waters BELOW you are actually the waters you are plunging INTO! (In the crash they estimated at the end that John was plunging down at over four thousand feet a minute!)

 Pilots know, that it is very easy to become disoriented when you depend upon your own senses, That is why these panels are so very VERY IMPORTANT! They tell you the TRUTH when your senses "LIE"!

 Had John merely paid attention to his cluster panel the entire story would have ended so much differently. Unfortunately John depended on HIS senses. And HIS senses were wrong...DEAD WRONG!

 Oh what might have been had John not been so cocky in his approach to flying and DEPENDED on the instrument that would have saved him!

 You know in so many ways we witness tragedy after tragedy in our walk with God. We hear about and sometimes  actually WATCH brothers and sisters in the Lord PLUNGE into the sea, only to be destroyed.. Lost to us forever! And  more often than not it is because they have FAILED TO USE THEIR "CLUSTER PANEL" The Word Of God that would have Saved them from that very destruction! Again and again the Lord warns us against this! "Lean NOT to your own understanding..."  "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man BUT THE END THERE OF IS DEATH!"  things would end so much differently if only we would "IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATH!" (Proverbs 3:6)

 Saints it is such a privilege that God has equipped us with our own Cluster Panel, The leading of The Holy Ghost through his WORD! When you are tossed and driven, disoriented and plunging down DONT FORGET TO CHECK YOUR CLUSTER PANEL! IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO YOU!
 THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD! It can SAVE YOUR LIFE so that it doesn't end in TRAGEDY!

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