Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bringing International Evangelism into the Twenty First Century

Two thousand  years ago The Roman Prefect of Judaea asked of the accused...."What is Truth?" Evidently he never discovered the answer because just a few years later, the man, Pontius Pilate, died a suicide in Gaul (modern day France).Had he but opened his heart he might have realized he was looking TRUTH right in the face! And had he KNOWN the Truth, the Truth would have MADE HIM FREE!

 Today here in Europe Hundreds of  MILLIONS upon HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Men, Women, Boys and Girls are asking that question "WHAT IS TRUTH?"

 The horrifically sad thing is that there are so FEW who can give them the answer! Philosophies and Political Parties run rampant and the Synagogues of Satan abound, yet the twenty first century church STILL has yet to develop the same kind of burden for first world countries that it has for third world countries. The reality is that wether you are a man labouring in the rice fields of Cambodia or a PreMed student in Berlin, if you are LOST your life is EQUALLY MISERABLE and your eternal destiny one of utter DESTRUCTION.

 It is our hope that we can represent the needs of the people of Europe to the Apostolics of the United States and Canada sparking a Holy Ghost burden to reach the lost REGARDLESS of wether they live in a hut or a four bedroom house with a two car garage.

 There probably wont be any stories of headhunters or alligator infested swamps here.  But in the twenty first century there doesn't HAVE to be! That is NOT what missions is about, what missions is about is GOING INTO ***ALL*** THE WORLD AND PREACHING THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE!  HE THAT BELIEVES AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED!  !

 We invite you to check in here on the blog and hear the good reports of what Jesus of Nazareth is STILL doing here on the continent of Europe! Follow the reports of the different men and women of God who labour together to establish a revival of TRUTH here in Europe where God is doing GREAT things and people STILL are coming to KNOW THE TRUTH AND BE MADE FREE! God Bless You, Brother Conroy

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